
„The man, whom the German Foreign Service sends in special mission to heads of states, tycoons and moviestars all over the world. Celebrities like David Rockefeller sen. (New York), Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood , George Bush , The Forbes (Boston), Charlie Morgan (of) J.P.Morgan, Farah Dhiba (former empress of Iran), and many more, were spellbound by his virtuosity.“
GALA Magazine , Germany

„…Steidl is anything but sloppy, as he delivers his machine-gun solos with a passion and technical mastery that would no doubt have pleased Paganini himself.“ Joe Lalaina, Guitar World, N.Y.

„German acoustic guitar prodigy Bernd Steidl exhibits ultra fast speed picking, string skipping, and a master`s technique in contexts ranging from modern classical music to progressive rock. Supported by world class players and soloists, this debut is a triumph for Steidl and Shrapnel.“ (Mike Varney, Pres.Shrapnel Records.)

„Jamais entendu un mec jouer de l`acoustic comme ca, ce mec est un monstre… Je n`est saurais que trop vous encourager d`ecouter ce Dieu vivant de la 6-cordes acoustique.“ (fabienm.)

„Beautiful, Impressive and Unforgettable.“ Ignacio Mauri, Buenos Aires-Argentina

„…Guitar-wise, his technique is jawdropping, even in a world filled with faster-than-light guitarrists…but again, speed is only one of his ingredients.“ Roger Billerey-Mosier

„…un grande ritorno e un bel regalo per tutti gli amanti di musica instrumentale, in particolare europea.“ Tempi Duri, Italia.

„He is definitly one, if not the fastest guitar player ever. His billion notes a second scale runs and sweep picking runs are some of the most difficult to play – and he plays them on acoustic guitar!. .If any of you are fans of technical guitar performed at freakazoid extremes, buy this album.“ G3 Shred, USA

„Auch der begehrte Virtuose Orsino, der vom Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin zu Konzerten bei ausländischen Staatsoberhäuptern geflogen wird, ist mit dabei.“ GALA Magazine, Germany.

„Gucci dresses him, royalty embraces him, and his fans just scream at him.“ New York Times.

copyright by Bernd Steildl © 2013 -2020